Funeral Luncheons
Teams of workers provide funeral luncheons for the family and friends of parishioners who have died. The teams set up the Family Center for the luncheons, prepare and serve the food, and clean up afterwards. Contact Mary Sutton at 616-374-7232 if you are interested in serving on the team or if we could call on you to help provide desserts for the luncheons.
Ministry of Consolation
Parishioners trained in this ministry reach out to the bereaved through cards, meals, prayer, and other kinds of support. Contact us for information on Group Support sessions or training sessions.
Visitors to the Sick and Homebound
If you would consider visiting the sick or homebound in the name of St. Edward’s, please call the parish office. Your ministry could, but would not necessarily, involve bringing the Eucharist to people.
Christian Service opportunities in the wider community include the Christian Service Center, the CROP Walk, Ionia Community Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen, and Prison and Jail Ministry.